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Author: thierry giron

Dragon fruit farm at Kalawili

Dragon fruit farm at Kalawili

Our dragon fruit farm is now well established and should start giving fruits by next year.
Once the dragon fruit stem reaches the top, they are cut just above the wooden stand to force them to split.
For each stem, 6 branches should stay and from each branch, 2 new shoots.

BSF feeding and residual

BSF feeding and residual

After 2 weeks and 3 feeding of our BSF larvae bins, the result is a nice composting material that can either be to our worm bins or used directly in the garden beds.

At first feeding, when the bins are populated with 5 days old BSF larvae :

After 2 weeks, the BSF pupae are self harvested and the residual is a nice compost material.

New BSF insectarium completed at Kalawili

New BSF insectarium completed at Kalawili

Our new insectarium is finally completed. Our old one is still giving between 30g-40g of eggs every 2 days. Now with the addition of the new one which is comprised of 2 insectarium in one building, we have the capacity to harvest 100g-120g every 2 days.


Banana and Papaya circles 2018 vs 2019

Banana and Papaya circles 2018 vs 2019

This shows how our Banana/Papaya circles have grown in less than a year between late 2018 and mid 2019.


Above : June 2019. We have several Banana and Papaya circles now. Both are feeding from the organic material accumulated in the pit.

Above. Our banana and papaya circle in december 2018. Papaya seeds were just planted.


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